

0. Find Restaurant (GPS)

1. Select criteria

    1.1 Use location
    1.2 Use nearby location

2. Perform search

    2.1 Define criteria
    2.2 Search restaurant

3. Select choice

    3.1 View the menu
    3.2 Select the dish
    3.3 Place order

4. Make reservations

5. Find restaurant

    5.1 Establish location
    5.2 Find direction

6. Drive to restaurant

Do Plan 1 - 6 (4 optional)


Comparison real app with  FOOD ORDERING APP :


       -Explored & Search (location/cuisine/name)
       -Review Restaurant Info, Menu, Photo, Review
       -Add list
        (Top25, Review, Fav, Wishlist, Recent)

       - Rate and Review 


Diners Drive ins Dives Finder - screenshot

-Restaurant’s contact info (episode details, Yelp reviews, website link)
-A national map
-Add places you’ve eaten    
 (My location)


Features of the app :

-Explored & Search (location/cuisine : breakfast, lunch, diner/name)
-Map (guide direction)
-Review Restaurant Info, Menu, Photo.
-Add list (Top25, Review, Fav, Wishlist, Recent)
- My location
- Rate and Review
- Additional idea : Nutrition & Price




This interview identified the user profile for our proposed system, identified the current systems used, the benefits and problems of these systems, and established criteria upon which users most often base their restaurant selections. The interview contained questions asking individuals what current systems they use and focused on systems that we had previously established, asking more explicit questions about these systems, specifically Internet based search engines for restaurants. The interview was open-ended because we wanted potential users to provide as much information as possible about the task and we hoped to avoid limiting the individuals to certain systems or concepts.

The questions on this interview were as follows:

1. How do you get information about restaurants where you might be interested in eating?

2. How do you determine where you will eat when you are already away from home?

3. What criteria do you base your search on? (Cost, location, payment ,food description ,etc)

4. Would it be helpful to have easy access to information about restaurants while away from home?

5. How do you search for restaurants when you are not in your hometown?

6. Do you often look up restaurants you have already been to for their phone number or address?

7. Do you call restaurants for information?  If so, what kinds of questions do you ask? Do you usually get satisfactory answers?

8. What are the problems that you have encountered with any of these methods for finding a restaurant (indicate method and problem)?

9. How often do you get to a restaurant only to find that the line is longer than you are willing to wait?

10. Do you use Internet-based search pages to find information about restaurants?

If so...
a.  Are there features that are not there that you wish you could have?
b.  Would being able to make reservations (when appropriate) be useful?

11. Do you own or have access to a PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)?

If so...
a. What do you use your PDA for?
b. Are you skilled at using your PDA and writing to it with the stylus
c. Do you access the Internet from your PDA?
d. How often do you carry your PDA?

Use case

  1. System display the list of location
  2. Prompt user to choose the location
  3. System display the list of restaurants on the location user choose
  4. System prompt user to choose the restaurant
  5. System show the ingredient supplier’s list for the restaurant
  6. System prompt user to key in the number of person
  7. System display the menu list and price
  8. User choose the menu to find out the dish details
  9. User add selected dish to order list
  10. Let user key in remark
  11. System prompt user to check the order list
  12. Restaurant directly receive order
  13. Restaurant respond to the order
  14. Order confirm


The Jackson families enjoy their weekend family day and want to try the new restaurant recommend by others. There are eight members of the family:  Edmond who is 4 years old, Sally who is 16, Jason who is 28, Emily who is 25, Carlson who is 32, Karen who is 29, Alfred who is 64 and Annie who is 58. While out for their family dinner they call the restaurant and make table reservation. When they are arrive, the waitress tell that their name is not on the reservation list, but the waitress will priority them 1st as Karen show the call as prove. After sit, they are waiting for the waitress to provide menu. During viewing the menu, they are found there is no any ingredients used show on the menu, and Emily had allergic to peanut. Any food that using peanut oil or any peanut related product will causing her allergic to outbreak.

They found there is some difficulties to make decision on what food to order, but they choosing few more extra as backup and the same time the young teenager who very care about her stature is asking how can we calculate the actual calories of the food we eat since we are don’t know what the ingredient will have in the dish. After the decision make they are calling the waitress to make an order and since the restaurant business is good and the waitress all are busy to take order, they have to wait for with no any choice. During the time waiting Jason had come with the topic of the fake food and contaminated food that happen in China. Jason had ask “do we know the main ingredient of the food we eat is came from where, and it’s that safe for us to take.”

When the waitress is coming to take order, first question they ask is the restaurant using peanut oil for cooking and which of the food on the menu are using peanut related product. The waitress request they wait for a while and she is going to check with the kitchen. After the information is provide they are finally able to make the order. During order Carlson had request the food not to be cooked that spicy as they are not able to eat spicy very much. When the food is served they found out some of the food they order are very spicy and one of the food had putting the peanut together to cooked.